Zero Somebody 2.

Hari ini Subzero telah ke kelas. Kebanyakan kelasnya telah dibatalkan. Mungkin kerana minggu pertama pensyarah masih lagi sibuk mengatur jadual atau pun menyusun kelas yang sesuai untuk pelajar. Persekitaran kelas yang kondusif sememangnya diperlukan untuk pelajar menyerap segala ilmu yang ditutur dan diajarkan oleh seseorang pensyarah yang berintegriti. For this so-called world class university.

Subzero woke up early in the morning and he thought that it was going to be a great day to kick-start with his so-called breakfast prior to the 8.30am class. He had his breakfast. It was good. So-called good. Why everything has to be so-called?

Obviously, it came out from a lecturer. His name consists of Prof. Ir. Dr. followed by his full name. Setiap 5 minit daripada syarahan beliau perkataan “so-called” itu akan muncul. So-called material. So-called world. So-called biodegradable objects. Mungkin diri beliau telah terbiasa dengan perkataan itu. So-called terbiasa. Subzero respects him in all ways as the lecturer has all of the major achievement and recognition a person can have. However, the best part is Subzero realized that having a Prof Ir. Dr. lecturer means that he has to attend conference more than the lecture itself. Semakin banyak kelas batal jawabnya. Wujud kegembiraan sementara di situ.

It was 2 hours of lecture. Whole 2 hours from the lecturer only which means there was not even a question to ask from the students. Either the lecturer had not given the chance for the students to talk or the students wholly understood the speech. Or even the students did not have any input at all in their head, including Subzero.

“Kalau bertanya takut dikatakan bodoh dengan soalan itu. Ah, biarkan sahaja. Bukankah tidak bertanya itu adalah norma seorang pelajar?,” Subzero bermonolog sendirian, feedback to himself at least.

Ironically, the next class Subzero had the same type of lecturer and he gave a lecture and so-called all the things in his 2 hours of lecture! Mungkin gaya syarahan masa kini. Perbezaannya cuma pensyarah ini jauh lebih muda daripada Prof.Ir.Dr. Dua dunia berbeza zaman tetapi memang ketara persamaannya. Mungkin sedikit diversiti diperlukan di ruang itu. Untuk kebaikan for this so-called world class university.

p.s : How do you define world class university? Pakai selipar ke kelas? Atau pun bertutur “thats mean” dalam diskusi sesama siswa mahupun antara pensyarah itu sendiri? Remeh tetapi itulah hakikatnya.

p.s.s : Holland has gone through to the world cup final! Eh, ke Netherlands? Everybody’s talking about Paul the psychic Octopus backing Spain to lift the world cup. Definitely orange would never be picked as you know Paul, yes, he’s an octopus or you can even call him a squid. Eight-legged squid that favours mussel for dinner. Beyond doubt seeing Paul making prediction is a joy to the bookies out there. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Hopefully in the end Holland does not turn out to be Ayam Belanda.

3 komen:

squesha said...

nice blog! haha,saya tau apa yang dimaksudkan dengan "so-called world university" itu sebab saya juga seperti anda,student di universiti itu.

mana yang anda prefer? dikatakan bodoh kerana soalan itu, atau, soalan anda tidak terjawab langsung - anda rugi disitu.

Zulhilmi said...

A world Class University is in its ability to guide students to open their mind and be independent through knowledge. Knowledge isn't just those "professional" stuff either.
Sudah pasti anda lebih konfiden jika lebih berilmu bukan?
Now here in lies the question, do we have such a university/education system? Or is it a wholly result driven system?
As for feeling idiotic when asking question, this is more of upbringing than anything. Kultur di Malaysia memandang rendah kepada mereka yang ketinggalan, dan ini, malangnya, membuatkan seseorang itu berasa fobia ditinggalkan kerna jika anda ketinggalan, "supposedly" anda tidak relevan.

Ayman Albakri said...

"jika anda ketinggalan, "supposedly" anda tidak relevan."

This is nice.

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