Sekadar Celoteh Ringkas

It’s been a while since I fought myself hard to avoid disillusionment. One concerns desires that are mainly acquired through learning, such as the need to achieve, to attain prestige or even to amass possessions. It’s a biological hunger and thirst to succeed guided by the aggression. However, there are times that these phrases do not stay in line with our modest passion. There are obstacles to go through and we could end up advice ourselves again how to overcome them.

Once again I want to highlight one of my ancient posts. Aha. Did I just mention ancient? Well, who could believe I could write this. Not even myself, in my most inspirational dreams. Honestly when you are into engineering you are going to partially lose your writing skill.

Dated back in 10th September 2008,

“Daripada nota-nota Power Electric yang sibuk ku tenung dari tadi memang tak dapat aku sangkal esok merupakan salah satu bahagian episod kelulusan subjek yang tidak pernah ku telaah secara telus.

Terbukti dari kotak ruang pembelajaran yang suci lg kondusif ini(secara kontranya)memang selesai separuh hari aku melengkapi diri dengan segala peluru jawapan untuk dilepaskan esok hari.

Tapi ironinya..(mengapa segala-galanya mesti melibatkan ironi?Tetapi mengapa segala perbuatan menjadikan ironi sebagai penyudahnya)..

Oh2, lekas saja dengan ironi kerana banyak lagi post menanti untuk ditatap mereka di ruang buletin yang semakin universal dengan post2 yang lebih kepada "saya tidak tahu hendak buat apa.Saya rasa hendak post buletin untuk hilangkan kebosanan".
Sedikit sebanyak seperti yang sedang anda santai pada post ini.

Lupakan saja ironi.

Baik tidur saja.biar hari-hari esok datang tanpa perlu berfikir. Tanpa ironi. Tanpa setiap perbuatan perlu difikir kesan dan implikasi.
Hati terang atau gelap seperti tidak aku kisah lagi.Fikirlah saja hari esok untuk diri sendiri. Memang gaya kehidupan masa kini. Sampai masa jatuh tersungkur perlu diri bangun sendiri.”


Frankly, I feel so relieved to read this post back. Actually, it reminds me not to fall back. It was not a bed of roses to contain the expression and emotion of not fulfilling others’ expectation. I think most of us are having the common dilemma but that is the challenge we have to face optimistically. This post really strikes me a chord the importance of trying hard and to exert the effort to solve the conundrum of life, without being pessimistic but still in pace with where we should head to according to the path chosen.

Ironically, this is no illusion. Think hard. There is no obstruction to it.

Mindless means soulless.

(Teks dari Myspace di atas masih lagi dikekalkan keasliannya untuk rujukan tentang sebarang perubahan pada diri daripada aspek penulisan)

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